Tomato paste is a concentrated and intensely flavored product made from ripe tomatoes that have been carefully selected and processed. The tomatoes are usually washed, sorted, and then cooked down to remove excess water, resulting in a thick, smooth, and velvety-textured paste. This process helps intensify the natural sweetness and saviours of the tomatoes. 100% natural with characteristic Red color, flavor and taste of the Ripe Tomatoes. The paste is free from additives and chemical preservatives.

Puree extracted from sound, matured, ripe Tomatoes, not obtained from genetically engineered fruits by mechanical process and is concentrated using Mix Flow Double-effect evaporator at low temperatures preserving the natural characteristics of taste, flavor and color. The processing methods conform to Good Manufacturing Practices and are consistent with the production of a high quality product.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 28.0°Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) 1.8-2.2%
PH 3.5 - 4.4
Sieve Size Passes through 1/48” sieve
Additives Nil
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Typical Ripe Tomato flavor
Taste Wholesome & Characteristic of Ripe Tomato
Colour Natural & Red
Appearance Homogenous and Thick
Impurities Free From any impurities, foreign matter and Pesticide residues.
Brown Specs 3-4 Nos. /10g
Black Specs 1-2 Nos. /10 g

Microbial Characteristics

TPC <10 CFU/g
Yeast Count <10 CFU/g
Mould Count <10 CFU/g
E.coli Nil
Pathogen Nil
Coli form Nil


  1. 228 Kg X 80 in Aseptic bag inside M.S.Drum per 20”FCL
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